Wednesday, 7 May 2014

WIP Wednesday

Another WIP post this week - mostly because I seem to be in the kind of mood recently where I'm permanently distracted by new ideas, and so nothing gets finished!

For instance, I sat down yesterday evening with the intention of starting the swatching for a hexagon blanket... and promptly started the Snowdrop Shawl that I've been contemplating for the last couple of months!

The Babylonglegs yarn I'm using has been in my stash for a few months, bought on something of an impulse and put to one side when it first arrived as it was somewhat darker than expected. Still, it's lovely yarn, and every time I spotted it I was determined to make something with it... Likewise the Snowdrop Shawl has been in my Ravelry queue for several months, and flicking through my (surprisingly well maintained) queue last night, inspiration struck and I set off... glancing guiltily at the open instructions for hexagons that I was pushing aside!

Both yarns are 100% merino in the "Feel the Teal" and "Pie" colourways, and both are slightly variegated, although this is random and pretty subtle, meaning that (so far) there's no unsettling pooling of colour. The pattern calls for Aran weight yarn with a 6mm hook, and this is a 3 ply sock weight yarn, so I initially worked it on a 3mm hook, which gave a dense and quite firm fabric. So I frogged and started again on a 4mm hook, which gives more drape to the fabric, without it becoming lacy.

Also on my hook recently was the beginnings of a pair of cushion covers for my Mum - we're planning to trade so she can knit me some socks! However, I forgot to bring these back with me after my visit over the weekend, so I need to collect them at some point... meantime, have a slightly over-exposed picture I snagged at the weekend.

I've been pretty good on the spinning front however, as I focussed on just one project!

This is Spin City UK's Paintbox, in fibre form and part way through spinning. I wasn't too sure the first bit I span, mostly because there's a surprising amount of yellow in it, but it got considerably better as I progressed. I think this is going to end up chain plied, although the end product may depend on the yardage I get and how the finished yarn looks.

Still, it was affectionately nicknamed "Technicolour Yawn" by my Mum, and the name kinda stuck!

My next big, ongoing project is the Stash Dash 2014... which is actually more of several smaller projects *shrugs* but it gets the point across! So, basically this is a stash busting exercise organised by the Knit Girllls - the linky there goes to their Ravelry group, since that's the easiest way to find information on the Stash Dash and their podcasts.... which, by the way, are well worth watching! They're funny and informative, and possibly the best thing to crochet/spin along to!!

Anyway, the aim is to get through 5000 metres of yarn between 23rd May and 7th August - which I think someone calculated as 500 yards per week. It's a large amount... until you realise that they encourage you to bend the rules in your favour! So, anything that is a WIP before 23rd May, that you finish after this date, counts towards your total! So the three projects above totally count for my total yardage for the dash!!

Anyway, I'll be keeping a running tally of yardage etc through the summer, the same with my progress on the Tour de Fleece - which I'll ramble on about another time... since I think I've gone on long enough today!

(In a short side note - apologies if some of today's pictures are a little dark, it's tipping it down with rain at the moment! I'll replace them if/when I get the weather improves!)


  1. Glad you found a project for your Radiance sock ... and that you listened to it's subtle whisperings :)

    1. I swear, I actually felt guilty every time I saw them sat there all sad and lonely in the cupboard! :)
