Friday 14 March 2014

A weekend excursion...

Yes, I'm aware that this is almost a week past the point that it happened, but I've had one of those weeks where I've barely stopped rushing around like a madwoman!!

So, at the beginning of February, I was one of the few people lucky enough to get our requests into Lucy of Attic 24 whilst she still had places left on her March workshop (Lucy's post about it here).

I dragged myself out of my nice warm and cosy bed at 6am... on a Saturday!!!! I'm not a morning person at the best of times, but it always seems worse to be up at that time on a weekend for some reason!

Anyway, up I got and to the station I went. I could have driven, but jumping on a train meant that I could relax on the way there, do a little reading or crochet if I wanted to, and didn't have to fight my way through to a parking space!!

I headed up to Lucy's studio, which sits over the lovely Cooper's cafe. They make wonderful coffee, sell gorgeous tea cakes, and have the most amazing menu that I have ever seen in a cafe!!

Anyway, the purpose was, of course, the workshop for this lovely little fellow:

He's not completely finished, there's still some decoration to be done, but I grin like a loon every time I spot him on the back of my living room door!

Lucy was exactly as lovely and nice in person as she is when she writes on her blog, and the time absolutely flew by in a blur of crochet, chatter and really good pastries! I had an absolutely brilliant time, despite how tired I was Sunday, and it's definitely something I'd do again given a chance... I may or may not be stalking Lucy's blog for mention of future workshops...

Lucy was also kind enough to let us take random pictures around her studio (and I seriously want somewhere as cosy and pretty as that!!), so I present a pic-spam of my saturday...

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